Sunday, August 21, 2011

In Praise of Quesfirmations

“Every day, in every way, I am getting fatter and fatter . . . .” No, wait, that’s not right. Try again.

“I will live my convictions and honor my commitments, because, gosh darn it, I deserve to be convicted, and then committed . . . .” No, something’s off there, too.

I just can’t get these affirmations right. The only thing I have pasted onto my bathroom mirror is my reflection. (I should reflect on that.)

I’ve never been comfortable with the practice of repeating affirmative statements about myself, to myself. Telling myself about myself, over and over, seems to me somehow self-indulgent, presumptuous. And it makes me silly, too. When I stare at myself saying, “You are handsome, you are brilliant, you are a millionaire, you floss with amazing regularity . . .” another voice inside wants to say, “Excuse me, Miss Crabtree—are we gonna be tested on this?”

Maybe it’s because of this recalcitrant little flaw in my character: I don’t like being told what to do. Not even by me. It makes me want to argue. It doesn’t work.

But I’ve discovered what does: questions. I don’t like being told what to do, but I’m fine with being asked, “What do you want to do?” (Even by me.) Questions invite a response. Therefore, they also invite thought, which I think is generally a good thing to invite. The better the question, the better the thought in response.

A few months ago, while struggling one morning of a very busy day to prioritize my task list, an inspiring question just popped out: “What can I do TODAY to make the world a better place? It stopped me in my task-list tracks. Led to all sorts of thoughtful thoughts-in-response. Now, I start every day with that question. My life literally hasn’t been the same since.

Here are a few other powerful quesfirmations I’ve learned: From John Fogg,

“What was the very best thing that happened for you today (this week, this month, etc.)?”

And from Brian Biro, “What’s my most powerful next step?”

An affirmation is the same statement every time you repeat it. I get bored. (But then, I always got bored with meditation and George Winston, too.) A quesfirmation invites a different response each and every time you ask it. Isn’t that amazing? Questions are powerful creative forces.

Buckminster Fuller once wrote a book entitled I Seem to Be a Verb. Nouns, explained Bucky, are things; verbs move. For me, I guess, affirmations are nouns. I seem to be a question.

This article is excerpted from The Zen of MLM; it originally appeared in the March 1994 edition of Upline.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"It Is Simply the Best Tool for Generating Referrals!"

Listen to Dick Larkin

CEO, Weblistic Inc.

Fremont, CA

Select "Play" and turn up
your speakers

In my business I meet hundreds of business people every week and there's just simply no way I can continually keep in contact with them on a regular basis.

I use the Send Out Cards Referral System to automatically generate personalized cards in my own handwriting to reach out to them every few weeks and remind them that we're here
to provide services.

What I find is after a few cards these people are
contacting me as if I am an old friend.

It develops a relationship that I just couldn't develop
any other way. The Send Out Cards Referral System has literally made me hundreds of thousands of dollars in referral business; it is simply the best tool I have ever used for generating referrals.

Dick Larkin

Friday, April 22, 2011

Why Clients Leave...

Why do clients & customers leave?

(Source: U.S. Small Business Administration and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce)

  • 68% perceived indifference or non-caring
  • 14% dissatisfied with product or service
  • 9% price
  • 5% friend's recommendation
  • 3% move away
  • 1% die

What's the solution?

Actually care and keep in touch with your clients and customers.

Social media
phone call
or my favorite...send them an actual card in the Mail!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

SendOutCards for Realtors Top 10 List

Check out these great ways to stand out and be noticed. People want to know you care and are thankful.

1. Take photo of your listing and send as a thank you card to

2. Send a card with photo of listing to neighbors… they may
have someone looking in the neighborhood.

Price Reduction…. create a picture card of the home and
send to Realtors notifying them of the new price.

Photograph your client in front of the home they made an offer on…
..keep them excited about their choice.

Take photo of a FSBO… send to the homeowner. Offer
assistance if they decide to list their home.

Thank inspectors or repairmen ….if they are really prompt
attach a Starbucks card.

Thank your client after closing and send them a $50 gift
card from Home Depot, Wal-Mart or Bed Bath & Beyond.

Thank friends for referrals and enclose a gift card.

Send a unexpected heartfelt card thanking the new home owner.

10. Take picture of family in front of new home and send “We
Have Moved” cards to their friends & family.

It is FREE to give it a try, this is such a powerful tool for your business,
  • You will stand out
  • You will be fulfilling your prompt to thank them
  • You will have access to leverage your business
  • People remember those who acknowledge them
  • People acknowledge those who work well for them